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Ferrania releases P33 black-and-white 160 ISO film


Some old industry names started investing in film production again a couple of years ago. Ferrania was one of them, first releasing P30, a reinvention of one of their old film formulas. Now, Ferranua has released the P33 black and white film. It’s a 160-ISO, 35mm film based on a post-war cinema stock originally produced by Ferrania.

The P33 film provides a simpler and more versatile photographic experience than its predecessor, the P30, and it has a very “classic” black-and-white look with nice fine grain and good contrast.

Tradition matters to Ferrania, so they don’t outsource the film’s production. Instead, the film is created in Ferrania’s original site, in Cairo Montenotte, Italy.

“P33 is the culmination of our R&D efforts, merging analog tradition with technological innovation. We’ve meticulously re-engineered authentic emulsion recipes, focusing on enhancing versatility with a higher ISO and simplifying the development process.” Says Silvio Pignone, CEO of Ferrania.

Price and availability

The P33 film is available for $11 per 36-frame roll on the Ferrania website. Currently, Ferrania only ships to the EU, UK, USA, Japan, and Mexico. If you aren’t living in one of these countries, I recommend heading to B&H. They don’t have the P33 at the moment, but it may be a matter of time until it’s available there. Until then, the P30 is a close alternative for $12.

If you’re interested in either of those films as an entry point into analog photography, we have a guide on how to develop black and white films yourself, which is worth checking out.

[via kosmofoto]


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